"Thank you Lord for a warm bed to sleep on, thank you for the food we are about to eat, thank you for a roof over our heads on cold nights such as this, thank you for companionship in hard times like these, Amen." -Eli
We need to remember to praise God and be grateful in the good times and bad. I am currently learning to be content with where God has me in life now, where He is taking me, and daily reminding myself that His way is perfect, and that none of this is about me.
We have our Thanksgiving dinner with a family of 11. I grew up with their 9 children and they are close to me like siblings (although we call each other "cousins".) Andy is the youngest of the bunch. He is 11 years younger than me. But on Thanksgiving day we have a special bond and hold at least one thing in common: we are the only people at the table who prefer cherry pie over any other.
I have one real Thanksgiving tradition. I sit next to Andy every year. We both love this tradition. I figured he would eventually grow out of it, or get too cool to sit by me, but he always saves me a seat. This year as soon as the cherry pie came out he jumped up and said, "I'll get us plates!!" He cut himself 1/4 of the pie. I had to defend him, telling the rest of the family, "It's equal to 2 slices. He'll probably have that much anyway!"
This year his sister Hannah made the pie. I don't have her recipe (it was yummy!), but here is my favorite!