Monday, March 14, 2011

great news

Over the last 2 months I have only been to Wal-Mart once. And I still claim it wasn't on purpose. Now, this wasn't intentional at first, but the other day I realized something fantastic. By not going to this dreaded supercentermasterkingsized store I have been happier, I've lost weight, and my relationship with my boyfriend has improved. Yes, I know that sounds completely ridiculous, but I completely credit all of these things to NOT shopping at Wal-Mart. We used to stop in to pick up something for dinner, and before we even got through the doors I was already bickering with him about something that had nothing to do with us. Usually about parents not putting a coat on their kids or someone parking in the middle of the lane facing the wrong way... UGH. Just thinking about it upsets me. Anyway, we started shopping at Target, grocery stores and Whole Foods Market. Come to find out (now this is a doozie.... hold on to your hats, kids).... I have actually saved just as much money by shopping at these places simply by using coupons, shopping during sales and (this is the big one) only buying what I need. Most of you are probably familiar with the "I'm going to Wal-Mart to buy bread" trip that quickly turns into "I'm going to Wal-Mart to buy bread and a 42" plasma screen LCD HD 3D TELEVISION" trip.

I was definitely planning on finishing this post/rant tonight, but I am exhausted due to the Spring forward. There will be more on this later. In the meantime, enjoy/purchase some of the most delicious local music I have ever heard.

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